Tackling Anti-Social Behaviour

Anti Social Behaviour and breaches of tenancy agreements

Our principles when dealing with anti-social behaviour are:

  • We will investigate and review all reports of anti social behaviour, domestic violence and breaches of tenancy agreements.
  • We will acknowledge reports within 2 working days.
  • We will co operate with other agencies including the police where the issue is a landlord matter.
  • We will use when applicable a variety of tools to tackle anti social behaviour including the use of mediation, injunctions, and other legal remedies available to us.
  •  We will keep victims and witnesses informed of progress and of the final outcome in cases where we are involved.


To report any anti-social behaviour please contact us

Reporting noise nuisance

You are now able to record and report ongoing noise nuisance straight from your phone on 'the noise app, 

This is really useful app to log and record incidents. Building up evidence of anti social behaviour is important if you want Pine Ridge to intervene. 

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